6.2 Edit A Space
From the Properties Menu, click the grey pen button to edit the property’s details.
In the Space Summary users have a number of editing options.
Matterport Space
Users can edit the Matterport Space details which includes the Property Description, Price, Lead Agent and Matterport URL.
Lead Agent
The Lead Agent can be changed by clicking the green edit button.
Viewing Assets
As touched upon in section 5.1, Viewing Assets that can be added to the space includes photos, videos and floorplans. Viewing Assets are added by clicking the green edit button next to Viewing Assets under the Space Summary.
Photos in JPG and PNG format can be dragged across or uploaded.
Videos with Vimeo and Youtube URLs can also be inserted.
Floorplans in SVG format can be uploaded or drag and dropped
In-Tour Visitor Contact Actions
In-Tour Visitor Contact Actions for Unaccompanied Virtual Tour Visits are also shown. These are covered in more depth in Section 9.1 but includes options to:
Show lead-agent contact details in Matterport Tours
Allow tour visitors to request an in-person viewing
Allow tour visitors to request a virtual viewing
Visitor Registration Templates for Matterport Tours
AgentRelay offers three Visitor Registration Templates for Matterport Tours for each space and these can be shared from this page.
The first of these, Delayed Registration Required will enforce visitor registration within the Matterport Virtual Tour after a defined number of seconds, set within global settings.
The Immediate Registration required template requires Matterport Virtual Tour visitors to register before viewing the tour.
The No Registration Required template does not enforce the registration of visitors in Matterport Virtual Tours.
We recommend all Matterport Virtual Tours that are made publicly available be shared using one of these templates rather than a standard Matterport link. This allows the organisation to collect important data on those visitors and sites referring visitors to the Matterport Virtual tours, as well as offering opportunities for visitors to contact an agent from within the virtual tour, and indeed to register visitors who are exploring the organisation’s Matterport Virtual Tours.
Agent Accompanied Viewings
An agent can also Schedule a New Viewing on this page. We cover Scheduling a New Viewing in section 6 and cover Matterport Virtual Tour Links in section 9 under Unaccompanied Viewings.
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